A GIFT OF LOVE (by Aunt "Tante" Cheri)
One year ago, this glorious day,
an early April morn,
with hopeful hearts that helped us pray,
a tiny babe would soon be born
This little one from heaven above
would bring our family joy,
this tiny bundle came with Love,
was it to be a girl or boy?
Amanda Lynn, this babe was you
who, the twenty-second came,
with golden curls and eyes of blue,
setting hearts aglow with flame.
I've been Aunt Cher these past twelve years
to birthday niece, dear Heather,
with your request, my second Dear,
I'm your "godmom" blessed forever!
How blessed I am to see the world
through your precious eyes.
With each new day, my precious girl
brings Love and wonder and surprise
The sound of music can be heard
when tiny fingers play
o'ne piano keys, and not a word
need express joy of the day.
Amanda Loves so many things,
so dear to my own heart.
Books, and dolls; butterfly wings,
all of these you're now a part.
You've introduced me to new friends
so very dear to you,
these friends you share will never end,
magnets and Ernie, Winnie-the-Pooh!
A small discoverer, you'll soon become
of flowers, birds and bugs,
but I will cherish getting some
of Amanda's Love and special hugs!
You are my Precious Moment,
my cuddly Little Lamb,
my bonnie lass in her sun bonnet,
you've made me glad of who I am.
And so today, you're one year old
you give my heart a lift,
and through the years, you'll recall I've told
how you have been my special gift.
As you walk the path of life,
tho' sometimes rough it seems,
don't forget amid the strife,
to stop and play with life's sunbeams.
Please Dear Lord, may I remember,
this year that gave a start,
of memories to warm me in December,
of Love forever in my heart.
May Jesus always hold you in
His gentle arms of Love,
and bless and keep Amanda Lynn,
my gift that came from Heav'n above.
(my gift of Love to my Godchild and Niece, Amanda Lynn Barnett, Aprill 22 1990)
OH TO AMANDA (by cousin Heather VanDyke (Fleming))
I have a cousin that's really neat!
She's that age where she can't eat meat.
She drinks that milk and not that mush!
And soon on that swing, she'll need a push.
Amanda's cute and small,
and soon mommy can take her to the mall.
Daddy's there waiting for her
and he'll play cat and make a purr!
Grandpa's there to make Amanda laugh
Grandma's there to give her a bath!
Now the Aunts are there to give her a hug
and Amanda will give her Uncles a mug.
Now Amanda will think cousins are important too
We don't tell her what to do!
Love, Heather (June 18 1989)